Baseball writing paper
Essay Topics Veganism
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Thomas Jefferson Essays (8234 words) - Thomas Jefferson,
Thomas Jefferson Tragically, present day Americans appear to have made a superior showing protecting what Thomas Jefferson has left us in blocks and mortar than we have saving his thoughts. Travelers visiting Charlottesville, Virginia, can observer firsthand the continuous endeavors to save Jefferson's home at Monticello just as his awesome little Academical Village, the Lawn, which is as yet an indispensable focus of understudy life at the University of Virginia. Further not far off, close to Lynchburg, Virginia, preservationists have started reestablishing Poplar Forest, Jefferson's retreat home. Researchers have been less fruitful in keeping alive his way of thinking, especially his thoughts regarding government - in spite of the bounteous record he left in his works. Ken Burns' ongoing PBS narrative, Thomas Jefferson, is an a valid example. It includes a motorcade of researchers who all the while announce their own failure to get Jefferson, and misdirect others with translations of his life and felt that are as sketchy as they are conflicting. Consumes illuminates the watcher, for instance, such Jefferson's reality was loaded with logical inconsistencies: the man of the individuals with the flavors of a blue-blood, the regular rights logician who possessed slaves, the long lasting boss of little government who dramatically increased the size of the United States, etc. The vast majority of these supposed inconsistencies truly aren't as contradictory as they show up, for they depend on broken presumptions or false impressions of standards. Joseph Ellis, for instance, reasserts the bromide - basic among present day liberal scholastics - that the goals of equity and the quest for bliss, as communicated in Jefferson's Declaration of Independence, are out of reach or opposing. Be that as it may, there's nothing opposing about uniformity of rights and every individual's quest for satisfaction, if the idea of rights is appropriately comprehended. Herbert Spencer's law of equivalent opportunity, the extreme Whigs' idea of character istic freedom, and Jefferson's idea of common society all represented how the two can cooperate. The way that a large number of the present intelligent people basically don't get it uncovers considerably more about them than it does about Jefferson. Misinterpretations of Jefferson's political reasoning appear to be pandemic nowadays. The 1993 festivals of the 250th commemoration of Jefferson's introduction to the world, for instance, ordinarily supported his notoriety for being father of American popular government. Boss Justice William Rehnquist, talking at the University of Virginia, resounded the perspectives on numerous Jefferson researchers that the perpetual quality of Jefferson lived not in his particular speculations or demonstrations of government, yet in his equitable confidence. While it is positively obvious that Jefferson was a main defender of agent majority rule government - in Democracy in America , Alexis de Tocqueville considered Jefferson the most impressive promoter popular government has ever sent forward - his dedication to vote based system was neither outright nor unfit. Undoubtedly, Tocqueville thought it critical that Jefferson once cautioned James Madison that the oppression of the council was the peri l most to be dreaded in American government. To Jefferson, vote based system and its related standards - lion's share rule, equivalent rights, direct portrayal of the individuals in government - were important, not as closures in themselves, yet as basic intends to a more prominent end, the expansion of individual opportunity in common society. Freedom was Jefferson's most elevated worth; he devoted his life to what he once called the sacred reason for freedom.1 A Radical Whig What over and again drew Jefferson away from his serene local life at Monticello and go into the political quarrel was accurately that sacred reason for opportunity, to which he felt compelled by a solemn obligation at whatever point he saw freedom compromised by an amazing focal government - regardless of whether it was the British government under King George III or the United States government under Federalist organizations. His enthusiasm for this reason was reflected in the language that he utilized in his political works. Jefferson, the ardent safeguard of strict opportunity, would in general use words, for example, heavenly, conventional, or catholic while talking about political, not strict, standards; he held words, for example, blasphemer or backslider to reprimand government officials whom he viewed as the adversaries of freedom. He summarized his labor of love in a letter composed generally right off the bat in his open vocation, in 1790, not long after his arrival to the United States following his ambassadorship to France. [T]he ground of freedom is to be picked up by inches . . . [W]e must be placated to make sure about what we
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Economic Globalisation and Competition
Monetary Globalization and Competition 1. Presentation Rivalry is an imperative system of the market economy and is a proficient methods for ensuring purchasers a degree of value as far as the worth and cost of items and administrations. Financial globalization includes expanded unstable development inside universal exchange and accordingly in subject of rivalry law. Article 81(1) of the EC Treaty ‘prohibits understandings between endeavors; choices by relationship of endeavors and purposeful practices which may influence exchange between Member States and which forestall limit or twist competition’. These understandings will be void as indicated by 81(2). Be that as it may, the understandings which fulfill the conditions set out in article 81(3) EC will not be denied, no earlier choice with that impact being required. 1.1. Hostile to Competitive Agreements Article 81 of the EC Treaty, denying against serious understandings, must be considered according to every single business concurrence with a likely EU cross-outskirt sway. The Horizontal and the Vertical understandings are the understandings, which are important for the motivations behind the utilization of the opposition rules. Even understandings are those between endeavors working at a similar degree of creation or showcasing, while vertical understandings are those finished between endeavors working at various monetary levels. Under EC Competition Law, limits remembered for vertical understandings are viewed as not as much harming than those remembered for flat understandings. In Consten and Grundig v Commission the European Court of Justice thought about that Article 81(1) EC applies not exclusively to even understandings yet in addition to vertical understandings. The later decisional practice of the Commission on the treatment of vertical game plans under Art 81(1) and 81(3) EC, and the case law of the Community Courts, have been one of the most disputable and seriously reprimanded parts of Community rivalry arrangement. These understandings are significant for the working of the economy. Business understandings might be excluded from the utilization of article 81(1) under article 81(3). 1.2. The Vertical Block Exemption Regulation Notwithstanding, there is a ‘safe harbour’ for endeavors: the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation 2790/1999. Safe harbors exist for specific understandings including limitations giving conditions are met so understandings falling inside the details of the Regulation are absolved from the utilization of Article 81(1) EC ensuring the enforceability of the understanding and conceding security from antitrust arraignment. Along these lines, if endeavors wish to be sure that their vertical understandings are in accordance with EC rivalry law, they ought to concur on provisions inside the extent of the Regulation. Outside this sheltered harbor, the European Commission’s Notice Guidelines on Vertical Restraints are a useful guide for the appraisal under Art 81(3) EC and are clarifying the utilization of Regulation 2790/1999 and the Commission’s way to deal with vertical limitations. The Guidelines on Vertical Restraints sets out the standards for the evaluation of vertical understandings under Article 81, including the use of the Regulation to vertical understandings. Article 2(1) of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation gives the meaning of vertical understandings and states that Article 81(1) will not have any significant bearing to ‘agreements or deliberate practices went into between at least two endeavors every one of which works, for the motivations behind the understanding, at an alternate degree of the creation or circulation chain, and identifying with the conditions under which the gatherings may buy, sell or exchange certain merchandise or services’. The Commission received the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation on 1999 and the new Block Exemption Regulation is normal in 2010. Adjustments may remain very restricted and may concern, particularly, the introduction of increasingly certain principles on online business, on web deals and the treatment of resale cost upkeep. 1.3. Extent of Application of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation The goal of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation is to absolve certain classes of vertical understandings that, under specific conditions, may improve financial productivity inside a creation or appropriation chain and is aimed at vertical understandings for the buy or offer of merchandise or administrations. The Regulation spreads different vertical understandings and applies to an understanding went into organizations, which don't work at a similar degree of the creation or circulation chain. Understandings are secured by the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation on diversifying, particular dispersion, selective managing, restrictive buying, elite gracefully, and non-veritable office understandings inside the extent of Article 81. An organization understanding falls outside article 81(1) where the specialist bears no or just unimportant dangers corresponding to both of these issues. Article 81(1) doesn't have any significant bearing to specific understandings or purposeful practices went into between at least two endeavors. The idea of an endeavor was talked about in Hofner and Elser v Matrocton. It was expressed that: â€Å"The idea of an endeavor includes each element occupied with financial movement paying little mind to the legitimate status of the element and the manner in which it is financed†. The meaning of contending endeavors in Article 1(b) remembers real or potential providers for a similar item advertise. The rejection might be very wide and questionable in application. In Tetra Pack I it was viewed as that an agreement inside the particulars of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation appreciates exception from Article 81(1), yet not from article 82 except if the Commission pulls back the exclusion for the future, with a choice. The Regulation doesn't make a difference, be that as it may, to vertical understandings to lease and rent understandings, as no deal happens and to understandings which have as their essential item the authorizing of protected innovation rights, nor car conveyance understandings, nor understandings between contenders, aside from on the off chance that they are subordinate to a vertical understanding and encourage the buy, deal or resale of the agreement products or administrations by the purchaser and vertical understandings whose topic falls inside the extent of another square exception guideline. Additionally, the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation doesn't cover any limitations or commitments that don't identify with the states of procurement, deal and resale. The Regulation doesn't have any significant bearing to vertical concurrences with a topic that falls inside the extent of some other Block Exemption Regulation. The use of the Regulation, in specific conditions, can be pulled back by a choice of the European Commission, or the national rivalry specialists. Additionally, the European Commission can sanction a guideline announcing the Regulation typically inapplicable to specific understandings including explicit limitations. 1.4. Understandings between Competitors The Vertical Block Exemption Regulation doesn't cover vertical understandings that are finished up on a complementary premise between contenders. This rejection might be expansive in light of the fact that it incorporates both genuine and potential contenders, with the last being characterized as organizations that would be capable and prone to enter the market inside one year. Vertical understandings between contenders are secured by the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation if the understanding is non-equal and the purchaser has a turnover not surpassing â‚ ¬100 million or the purchaser isn't a producer of contending merchandise yet just a contender of the provider at the conveyance level. Likewise, are secured and where the provider is a supplier of administrations working at a few degrees of exchange, while the purchaser doesn't give contending administrations at the degree of exchange where it buys the agreement administrations. 1.5. Outline Article 81(1) EC disallows understandings which have hostile to serious impacts. By sanctioning the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation, the Commission has set up ‘safe harbors’ for endeavors, that blueprint conditions with respect to when vertical understandings and coordinated practices that have an enemy of serious reason or results and would be precluded under article 81(1) may be worthy since they fulfill the standards of article 81(3). At the point when an understanding satisfies the conditions set out in the Regulation, the understanding is substantial and enforceable. The Vertical Block Exemption Regulation is a measure under European Union law that gives an exception from the use of Article 81. Understandings that meet the conditions set out in the Regulation are considered either not to antagonistically influence rivalry on the applicable European market(s) or just to influence rivalry to a certain point. It is currently time to look at if the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation has worked and whether the Regulation and the vertical Guidelines are need any adjustment, and, assuming this is the case, what must be finished. PART I Necessities of the Application of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation The Vertical Block Exemption Regulation contains certain necessities that must be fulfilled previously, for the vertical understanding can profit by the Regulation. The piece of the overall industry of the provider must not surpass 30% (Article 3). Additionally the understanding must not contain any of the in-your-face limitations (Article 4). At last, the Regulation contains conditions identifying with three certain limitations (Article 5). 2. The Market Share Cap The Market Share limit is likely one of the most significant arrangements of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation. In Article 3(1) is expressed that ‘the piece of the overall industry held by the provider doesn't surpass 30% of the significant market on which it sells the agreement merchandise or services’. Likewise, Article 3(2) states that ‘in the instance of vertical understandings containing selective gracefully commitments, the exception accommodated in Ar
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
File Reading Part II - Academics and Strength of Curriculum - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
File Reading Part II - Academics and Strength of Curriculum - UGA Undergraduate Admissions File Reading Part II Academics and Strength of Curriculum From January through mid-March, the admissions staff will hide out in our offices and read files during our holistic file reading process. There are six main areas that we look at in our file reading process, and this post covers the second two areas, focusing on a students academics and the strength of curriculum. While we look at these sections in our initial review of applications, we now look at them in much more detail. Academic Review When we look at a students transcript during the holistic review process, we are trying to understand how a student has progressed over their 3+ years in high school. Have they been consistently strong throughout the years, did they start slow and then jump up to all As, did they have a tough time in a specific subject, are all their Bs low or high Bs, etc. We then use this in combination with the other factors impacting their life, from family issues that occurred where we saw a dip in grades to how a student did once they got into a specific AP course. If a student made a D in Geometry in 10th grade, did they bounce back from it or keep on a downward trend. If there is a downward trend or low grade, we also want to know if there were any mitigating circumstances that led to this issue. All of these factors help us understand the overall picture that the transcript gives us. Three quick warnings/notes on grades: First, we are only looking at core academic work, not PE, Health, Drivers Ed, etc. While your high school may put these classes into your overall GPA, we are not focusing on these course grades. Second, we focus on grades, not on the GPA or rank that is on your transcript. We are looking at how you have done each term in your academic classes, and so when I talk about this area, I try to talk about actual grades. Third, growth in one term, especially the first semester of your senior year, does not count as a trend. If you have Bs and Cs for three years, then suddenly wake up and start making As, we look at this, but it is not a grade trend, this is a grade spike. A trend is a relatively constant movement, while a spike is a sudden shift. If you have a grade spike (hopefully upwards), I am wondering why you did not make this jump earlier. In addition, we will be looking at an applicants SAT and ACT scores, with a focus on the best subscores from all tests, and using either the SAT or the ACT (with Writing), whichever is stronger. If a student has not done as well on one score type, we will not look at this, but instead we will focus on the better score. In addition, we focus on the individual subscores, and with the ACT, we look at the subscores that have shown to predict success in college (the ACT English, Math and English/Writing). We also look at test scores in connection to a students grades, trying to see if a student has performed in the classroom above or below where the test scores indicate. Strength of Curriculum First, dont ask how many AP/IB/Honors/Advanced/Dual Enrollment/Post-AP/TBE (The Best Ever!) classes are needed for admission, because there is no right answer. Instead, look at the academic opportunities both at your school and in your community for the answer. What I mean is, most competitive colleges are going to look at what academic options are available to you as a student, and what you have then chosen to take. What have you done within the context of what is available? As an example, in two different files, one high school offers 31 Honors courses and 28 AP courses (including at least four language options), while the second has 18 honors courses and 1 AP (with only two languages offered). These are just two examples, and there is an even wider range of options within the 3,000+ high schools from which we have applicants every year. In addition, we are not just counting AP classes, but looking at the depth and breadth of a students rigor in their core academic areas. I would rather see a student challenge themselves across the board with rigorous classes than to take 4 AP courses in one field, but basic courses in the rest. And dont fall for the idea that you should take the lightest load so you can make all As, because this is not a good move if applying to UGA, and it is not a good way to prepare for college. Challenge yourself to the level that you can handle, and understand that this is a serious factor in admissions at UGA. In our file reading, we are not just looking at high school courses, though, but at a students overall academic challenge. We have applicants who attend college classes in the summer, take independent study classes in addition to their high school offerings, attend Governors Honors programs (or similar options) for 4-6 weeks in specialized academic fields, and do independent research in areas in which they are passionate. I still remember the applicant who drove one hour across Los Angeles to take entomology classes (his intended major at UGA), traveled to South America to study insects in the rain forest, and worked with college faculty on research projects. Now, dont run out and start collecting bugs right this minute, but instead understand the broad spectrum of what makes up academic opportunities. In addition, dont suddenly post replies asking if X,Y or Z activity counts. Just understand that we look at the whole of a students academic options, and how they have taken advantage of these opportunities.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Effects Of Alcohol On The Alcoholic Beverage - 1335 Words
The alcoholic beverage has long been a key element of our social world and has grown into a way of life for many. It is something that is at almost every party that we attend, it is advertised on television, and is promoted by many celebrities. People consume alcohol to celebrate an occasion, socialize with their friends or strangers, or to just simply relax. Alcohol, whether it be in the form of wine, beer, or spirits, have almost become inescapable in todays society. We often wonder the effect that is has on different individuals, and wonder why some become so heavily addicted to it while others do not. Because the prevalence of alcohol has continued to flourish in our society, the number of people who heavily consume it has increased†¦show more content†¦Some acute physical effects of having an elevated BAC level can include: reduced inhibitions, slurred speech, motor impairment, confusion, memory problems, concentration problems, breathing problems, violent behavior, bei ng involved in a car accident, or in worse case scenario, death (niaaa). When an individual finds himself or herself drinking heavily over a long period of time, they may develop chronic physical effects of alcoholism. â€Å"Alcoholism is currently listed as the third leading cause of death in our society†(dlcas). However, because many deaths related to alcohol go unreported, some believe that alcoholism could be the number one killer in today’s world (dlcas). For example, when a person dies from the failure of an organ, the role that alcohol could have played in that failure is not taken into consideration. It is no doubt that alcohol certainly has the potential to cause serious physical harm to all of the body systems. Symptoms can arise in an individual’s general appearance, such as having hand tremors, irritability, jaundice, rosacea, and swelling of the parotid gland (dlcas). The gastrointestinal tract can be affected by alcoholism producing symptoms of dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea that is recurrent, abdominal pain, hypo or hyperglycemia, and can damage the liver (dlcas). Alcoholism can also affect the cardiovascular system, respiratory systems, central nervous
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
My Personal Philosophy of Education Essay - 681 Words
Philosophy of Education Education is the process of learning that can take place anywhere and at any time. I believe that creativity and activity as well as books and lessons are essential to the learning process. As a teacher, I hope to instill in the children a sense of knowledge and self-worth that will remain with them throughout their lives. Education is important not only to maintain daily life, but also to become someone who contributes to society. Without education people have no chance to impact the lives of others in their own community. I want to give the children I teach a chance to give back to their community and society. Although ethics and morals are constantly being†¦show more content†¦Wanting to become a kindergarten teacher, I strongly believe in the value of good elementary schools. I think the emphasis of the curriculum should be on the four major subjects: language, math, science, and social studies. The extras, computer, art, music, and physical education, should be taught as well, but without the strong emphasis. I believe this because I have seen many students in high schools that cannot recall basic knowledge in the major subjects because either they were not taught it or it was not emphasized to the extent needed to remember it. In terms of philosophy, I feel I benefit most from the pragmatic approach to teaching. This approach states that teachers feel the classroom is a community of learners, not just a teacher standing in front of a group of students. I believe this is true because it is my opinion that if the teacher is learning and exploring along with the students, the students are more likely to be involved and interested in what is being taught. I also believe the strategies of teaching by problem solving and encouraging democratic procedures are the most profitable in today’s society. My beliefs in student involved activities, emphasis of curriculum, and democratic classroom management are all part of the pragmatic approach. My plans are to become an early education teacher. Preferably pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or first grade teacher. I will always be a kidShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Philosophy : My Philosophy Of Education1046 Words  | 5 Pagesmanipulate the information for their own use in the future. Choosing between the four, I would say my philosophical views line up more as an essentialist. My philosophy of education, is that every teacher and student has an environment where they are challenged, yet still encouraged, in their instructional matter and teaching and learning strategies to prepare them to meet the goals set upon them. A philosophy is a search for wisdom in a particular area; it builds a framework of thinking, and guides instructionalRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education997 Words  | 4 Pages Philosophy of Education Discovering the place where personal values and expertise meet organizational values and needs offers a dynamic partnership opportunity. Mutual achievement of organizational academic quality and professional fulfillment provides a positive learning environment. Developing a personal philosophy of education enables an educator to understand and communicate the underlying basis for his or her approach to education. Sharing this philosophy provides valuable information forRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education1476 Words  | 6 Pages871 Foundations of Higher Education Summer 2015 Instructor: Joel Abaya, PhD Personal Philosophy of Education Submitted by: Wessam Elamawy . Personal Philosophy of Education Introduction: From the very beginning of my life I recognized the importance of higher education. I am 34 years old. I am Egyptian. I was born in a highly educated family . My father earned a Ph.D. in chemistry. My uncle earned a Ph.D. in Engineering . My aunt is a doctor. My grandparents were highly educatedRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy of Education958 Words  | 4 PagesMy Personal Philosophy of Education It is customary that on New Year’s Eve, we make New Year resolution. The fact is that we are making a set of guideline that we want to live by. These are motives that we seek to achieve. In a similar way, teachers live by philosophy. This essay focuses on my personal philosophy of education. It unfolds the function of philosophy in a teacher’s life, my view on the purpose of education, the student teacher- relationship and the philosophy which influences myRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy : My Philosophy Of Education1844 Words  | 8 PagesMy philosophy of education is romanticism. According to Ryan, Cooper, and Bolick, romanticism can be defined as â€Å"a child-centered philosophy of education that condemns the influences of society and suggests that a child’s natural curiosity and the natural world should be used to teach.†I am a believer in â€Å"gaining knowledge through sensory experiences and interactions with your peers†(Ryan, Cooper, a nd Bolick, 2016). I agree with this philosophy because it says that the needs of the student areRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education1443 Words  | 6 PagesThese beliefs of education are known as the philosophy of education. The philosophy of education is defined as the influences of what is taught and how the students will be taught. Throughout my study in my education class and past experiences, my mind was expanded and I acquired sufficient knowledge to develop my own concept of my personal philosophy of education. First, I will clarify the reasons why I choose the profession of being an educator. The first reason has been my parents influenceRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education966 Words  | 4 Pages Personal Philosophy of Education Allyson C. Taylor EDUC 542 Dr. M. Derrick Regent University The definition of curriculum can be as mysterious as the curriculum itself. Oliva (2013) described the hunt for the curriculum as being similar to â€Å"efforts to track down Bigfoot, the Bear Lake Monster, [and] the Florida Everglades Skunk Ape †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pg. 2). All of these elusive beings have left tracks, yet there isn’t a single photograph to prove their existenceâ€â€just likeRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education1335 Words  | 6 Pagesteaching style in the â€Å"Finding Your Philosophy of Education Quiz.†While I enjoyed learning about the different philosophies and psychological influences of teaching, I prefer constructivism, social reconstruction, and progressivism due to their student-centered learning, hands-on or project based learning style, while making efforts to improve the world around them. I will be discussing why I chose progressivism, social reconstruction, and constructivism as my preferences, as well as the role ofRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education873 Words  | 4 Pagesis a meaningful education? Throughout time many philosopher and educators have pondered on this question, leading to the development of theories and concepts that are present in the classroom today. In my personal experience, an educator philosophy is built over a course of time which is based on their knowledge and experience. An educator belief system is like a river, it changes and matures throughout its course, bending and changing as it progresses. Throughout the course of my educational careerRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education1152 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction My personal philosophy of education relies on the fundamental belief that every individual has inherent value, therefore designating education as an environment where students may grow in their self-worth through academic and relational support. Thus, the purpose of education is to provide individuals with the opportunity to learn about both content and about self, growing in their identity. Within this personal philosophy of education, I will further detail the aim of education, the role
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
An exploration into play, provision and pedagogy Free Essays
Greek children enjoyed making balls for pigs’ bladders showing heir creativity side and Roman children liked to play with toy soldiers. They also took part In running and Jumping games and piggybacked flights. Hoops were made out of the iron frames of wheels. We will write a custom essay sample on An exploration into play, provision and pedagogy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Depending on the society in which children live, children’s play would be reflected. In the case of Greek and Roman children, physical activities took place alongside adults. During this period, play was never documented as it was not considered worthy of doing so. By the 18th Century play was valued. Rousseau believed that children should be able to roam freely and explore the outdoors ready to learn and read through play. He believed that children looked at play and work as a whole and that children should play as a right for it showed their potential. In 1998, Scratch and Spoke (2007, pap) describe two approaches to play in the 19th and 20th centuries; classical and modern dynamic. The classical theories were to explain the reason that play existed. The reasons being: – The relaxation theory in which individuals recharge energy that they exhaust in work. Therefore play is relaxation and a source of energy before beginning work again. – The surplus energy theory, in contrast to the relaxation theory, viewed play as a means of eliminating excess energy. Play therefore was regarded as an instinctive behavior with no immediate goal. Herbert Spence’s theory was heavily influenced by the work of Schaller. – Play as pre-exercise. According to this perspective play is an instinctive way of preparing children for adult life. Play experiences are similar to those they will experience as adults, and therefore children are rehearsing adult skills In their play. Gross adopted this view in the late nineteenth century, he believed play was functional and characterized by undefined activity, pleasure and dominated by process rather than reduce. He believed that experimental play developed mental skills and self-control, and Imitative play developed Inter-personal skills. In contrast to the classical theories. The modern perspectives have a different view on the context of play. The theorists 1 OFF that Piglet believed children’s knowledge was increased through engaging with the environment. He studied play primarily from a cognitive viewpoint. From Piglet’s perspective, learning takes place through two processes, these being ‘assimilation’ and ‘accommodation’. Assimilation is when new knowledge is accepted from the oral and accommodation is adapting this new information to make links with previously developed understanding or schemas. Piglet believed that learning is a continuing process of adaptation to the environment. Piglet viewed the child’s development as leading learning, with play having a strong influence on development. Therefore play has an important educational purpose however Piglet paid less attention to the role of language in learning. McLeod (2007) states that Weights believed all children’s learning happened within a social context. He was a social constructivist and in his theory he placed the support of others such as adults which is well known as scaffolding. These adults are as central to developing children’s understanding. Therefore, language makes a critical contribution to the development of the child’s learning. The adult has a distinct role in moving children on from their present, to their potential development. In contrast to Piglet, Weights understood learning to lead development. He believed children create play that has purpose which in turn determines their affective states. Weights stated that the child’s greatest achievements were possible in play because: ‘In play a child behaves ended his average age, above his daily behavior; in play it is as though he were a head taller than himself (Augusto 1978: 102). Essentially then, the child moves forward through play activity. One approach to play in which the setting have shown some links to is Regis Emilie. This approach believes that collaboration and documentation is vital to a child’s development. Regis also sees the environment as the third teacher. The settings behavior policy (2013 p. L) states that We place great emphasis on our values of mutual trust and respect for all and for the community ND environment in which we live’ This can therefore link into the fact of the environment acting as a third teacher as the children are able to use the outdoors area for a number of different occasions such as learning days and playtime’s. The settings play provision supports this evidence as the main form of play which is offered is free play. Free play is when a child is able to choose what activity they would like to do, how they want to do it, when to stop and start something else. Free play does not have any external goals that are set by the adults and there isn’t a curriculum in which to follow. Although practitioners usually provide the space and resources for free play and might be involved, the children take the lean and the adult responds to cues from the children. The setting provide a set period of time when the children are able to access whatever resources they wish, including the outdoors, and they are able to develop their play and learning in this time, in their own way. Developing different hypothesis about life and make their own conclusions. The setting has a number of children that acquire challenging behavior and therefore, supports the theory of Surplus energy. Today it is evident that children have fewer opportunities for outdoor play. The environment for outdoor play is generally understudied and the role of the adult in this is frequently involved. In play children tend to seek out risks, because through these they develop their self-esteem these skills. Adults in the setting are now overly cautious and their fear reduce children’s opportunities to set themselves challenges and take risks. Early Education (2012) states that ‘Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong readership between practitioners and parents and careers. ‘ It has become evident that the behavior in the children has seen to be more challenging when the weather is bad and the outdoors area is shut. Perhaps down to the fact that the children are then not able to access all areas of play in which they feel benefits them. The setting should therefore have an undercover area, or an area in which children who feel they need to work off any additional energy that they may have, can do so. This should be accessible for these children in all weather situations. If this is not available for the children to access, then it will slow down part of their development in which play helps to aid. Children are highly motivated to play, although adults’ find defining and understanding children’s play a challenge. All aspects of development and learning are related in play, especially their cognitive development. When children have time to play, their play grows in complexity and becomes more cognitively and socially demanding. Through free play children are able to explore different materials and discover their properties which will help them then to use heir knowledge of materials to imaginative play such as role play. During role play, children are able to express their emotions and reveal their inner feelings which is a key time for the adults to be observing the children and ways in which they handle different situations. It helps to give an insight into each child’s interests. If a child is experiencing any traumatic experiences, play can help that child to deal with these in their own way which is helping them to maintain emotional balance, physical and mental health, and well-being. Free play not only lets a child to explore different activities but it also enables them to develop a sense of who they are, their value of themselves and others. Play also helps a child’s language and social development as they are learning the skills to communicate and share. Play England (2007, p. 6) state that Early pioneers in early childhood studies such as Forbore, Interiors and Steiner, who were influenced by the work of Rousseau, influenced the early year’s curriculum. They all believed that childhood is a distinctly different state from adulthood and that adults therefore should not seek to prepare children for adulthood. This is therefore in contrast with the play as pre-exercise theory. Forbore, Interiors and Steiner all believed children are self-motivating that adults have a tendency to be too dominant and cut across this motivation. Interiors, however, did not believe in play or toys. Children in her kindergartens experienced real household tasks. Forbore believed that children were strong and confident and that through play they saw things through to completion. The setting supports Steiner’s theory as he believed that children need free, creative play to develop their spirit, their bodies and heir minds and in the setting there are many different creative resources available for the children to access such as a craft area, outdoors area and role play. Steiner also believed it was important to provide real life tasks for children which will then give them a sense of belonging and connectedness to the environment and again this is achieved through the outdoor area. The setting offers the opportunity for allows children to cook different recipes based on ingredients found in the outdoors. Steiner also believed that educators needed to provide rhythm and structure in the hillside’s day. The setting has a visual timetable in order for the children to understand the structure of the day ahead. There is also circle time in which the children are able to communicate with both their peers and their adults and can talk about their own individual interests. These are then taken into account for future planned activities. However, if for whatever reason the setting is unable to stick to this plan this can confuse the children’s understanding of the day and put them on edge. It also makes it harder for practitioners to be able to take the time to observe ND document the interests of children and therefore resulting in activity plans that aren’t quite suitable to the needs of the children. In conclusion, I feel that the play provision in the setting could use a lot more structure in the sense of planned activities which are more vital to the children’s development. These activities should be based upon their interests and although it is hard to find the time in the day to document these interests, I believe it should be made a priority as the children will not gain all that they could from their play time. I also believe that the outdoors area deeds more accessible and more appropriate resources to help aid their development; not Just in there cognitive aspects but also their social and language development. How to cite An exploration into play, provision and pedagogy, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Music Has Lost Its Meaning free essay sample
Back in the day a performance qualified as someone walking on stage and bearing their soul. It was about the music, and it was about the talent. Now an artist qualifies as someone who Is so bizarre, so outgoing, so appealing they can sell anything. Lately the music industry has been lacking in real talent. Many artists are truly talented, that goes without saying. But this talent tends to be hidden because of the glamour and popularity of their appearance. The reason why certain artistes are so widely popular despite their lack of talent is because they appeal to the masses.Lady Gaga is someone who has entered the world of pop culture and has taken it by storm. Behind all the crazy makeup and fashion choices, Gaga has raw talent. She can actually sing. And her songs are Gaga original. But people dont see Gaga for her vocals; they see the overexposure. We will write a custom essay sample on Music Has Lost Its Meaning or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Justine Bibber has found a way to go from a small town boy to one of Americas heartthrobs. Bibber is so widely known and is selling out show after show because he appeals to the younger generation. It doesnt matter whether he can sing or not. If the masses find him attractive, he will find a way to stay famous.Its a popularity contest, and he is one of the winners. Now an artist is all about the hype. The music Is lost behind all the glitz and glam. No one notices what an artist Is trying to say when theyre distracted by fire and lights and the bizarre. It Is entertaining, no doubt about that. Its fun to see people suspended in midair doing flips, and its fun see people Jump through flaming hoops. But wheres the music? Where are the lyrics? Wheres the heart? The definition of a musical artist has evolved ND changed. Now it is not about the music, Just the appearance. It is not about the talent, Just the entertainment value. The music industry has lost most of its credibility and needs to find a way back to when It was about the feeling and the words, to when lyrics meant something and were not Just random ideas strung together nonsensically. That was when music was the greatest it has ever been. First, you should orient yourself with a marketing term known as positioning. That will help to understand how products ; styles get pigeonholed or stuck into a ay of being perceived by the general public.Fundamentally, rap is very lyric dense poetry in tight syncopation with a rhythm. Like spoken word that rhymes, with a percussion track. So, lyrics can be about ANY subject. However, due to raps typical lyric subject matter, based on the culture of those who started it, rap has position in society. Because of this position, Its difficult to create lyrical themes for rap that deal with other cultures or genres. Commercialism does manage to do this, however, this Is the point where we wonder if an artwork has lost its meaning.In other words, when McDonalds, Ford, Mountain Dew and Coors Light commercials include hot guitar solos or hot hip hop grooves with lyrics merely selling a product, its hard to maintain a special place in your soul for the genre. Its also hard for the like another burger commercial. This is why things cycle out and new things have to come in. The advertising agencies never start rotators. They pick up what the people have their attention on and try to piggyback their Junk food, clothing lines, cars, soft drinks whatever onto anything that will give their stuff the same attention.Then they will sell more. Any popular form of communication art, is subject to exploitation. Then, you have to move onward, if you are depending upon communication arts to help you get meaning from life. So, obviously this isnt simply about rap. Every genre is in the same boat. Artists have to out-create and stay ahead of the commercialism in order to stay sane and maintain meaning. The good news is that artists do keep creating. You Just have to keep up with who the real ones are. Check out the real music magazines (not the lifestyle ; fashion ones).Find out who the artists are listening to and who they like. Skip the critics, because they often represent the commercial side. Serious rap artists have to stay ahead in order to survive and keep the meaning in rap. If they sell out, rap Just becomes a product that people grow bored with. Because of this position, its difficult to create lyrical themes for rap that deal with other cultures or genres.
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