Wednesday, October 30, 2019
None Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
None - Essay Example The Church, normally respected by the Americans, considers that when imitating evil spirits, people take over demonic disposition and destroy their appearance that was given to them by God. Such behavior contradicts Christian foundations; however the Americans never cease being true believers. Also there are usually acts of â€Å"petty vandalism†which the Church also does not approve of – children break glasses, burn trees, etc. Though in the 1920s the scouts called to introduce the practice of â€Å"trick or treat†instead, sometimes people still like to commit something they would not usually do in their normal life. Respectable businessmen are likely to turn over garbage bins, stewardesses (mainly on domestic flights) dress up like a witches or fairies, teachers have no less fun than their students. It is really an unusual tradition – to wear a mask and play a role quite opposite to what one is in the society. Both children and grown-ups enjoy themselves and have fun meeting November in the costumes of witches and vampires, throwing eggs, taking part in the â€Å"best costume†competitions, and eating pumpkin dishes. It reveals the Americans being in need of throwing away from time to time their â€Å"normal†social roles and taking up something quite uncommon. It would be incorrect to state that the Americans are the only nation incorporating both pagan and Christian traditions into their culture. However, in order to answer this question it is important to have a look at how the feast of Halloween reflects the peculiarities of American mind and culture on the whole, and at what it reveals about the Americans. There is no other feast that would be as dear to each American’s heart as Halloween is. To my mind, it is based upon the national tendency to enjoy trick effects and shows. It should also be mentioned that celebrating Halloween is a part of American death-denying culture pointed out by Mitford, as it teaches –
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Buckling Experiments Laboratory Report
Buckling Experiments Laboratory Report BUCKLING EXPERIMENT The experiment entails subjecting loads to a strut along its centroidal axis. The effects of length, shape, material and fixing conditions on buckling were observed. An analysis was then done basing on the results obtained and graphs drawn to establish various relationships measured and calculated. The buckling load was also determined theoretically for all the struts basing on the geometry and material properties. This was then compared to those found experimentally. Buckling is an instability of a material when subjected to loading which eventually leads to failure. It is characterized by sudden sideways deflection of the structural member. When load is applied on a material, it will become large causing it to become unstable and consequently causing change in shape and this can be said to have buckled. This can happen even when the stress subjected on the material is below that needed to cause failure. Bending and buckling can cause change in shape but the difference comes in the method of applying the load. For the bending case, the load is applied perpendicular to the centroidal axis while in buckling, the load is applied axially causing compressive stress and eventual sideways failure. This feature can be measured as the buckling load. Materials having different properties have different buckling loads which is a function of the length of the column and the second moment of area of its cross section. Buckling loads can be determined experimentally or by way of a prediction without actually loading the material to critical load. Southwell plot is a chart of used to experimentally determine the critical load of a structure without subjecting it to its critical load. It is a non-destructive testing method for buckling. Southwell plot is a graphical representation of deflection(y) against deflection by load applied(y/L). This should in return show a linear relationship and a slight curvature at low values of deflection. Further analysis can be done to obtain buckling load. Critical loads can thus be obtained without actually buckling the load itself reducing risk of damaging the strut. The intercept represents the total eccentricity of the strut which is the eccentricity within the equipment and the strut together with the imposed eccentricity. To compare the theoretical and experimental buckling loads of struts in order to test the theory and show its limits. To show how to use the Southwell plot to find the buckling load and eccentricity of a strut. The potential hazards was assessed and it was observed to be majorly from the experiment handling of the strut in loading and unloading. This has a potential harm to the colleagues and the staff in the laboratory. This hazard was considered by performing the experiment heavily. Plastic inserts were also used to reduce the adverse possible reaction of the strut on loading. The load was applied slowly with full concentration on the reaction of the material under loading so as not to exceed the buckling limits. The strut was also released by unloading swiftly. Experiment 1 The Load Display was connected and switched on. It was then given some few minutes for the display and the load cell to warm up. The load measuring end was tapped to remove any effects of friction and the display zeroed. The digital calipers was then used to obtain the dimensions of the 750 mm steel strut and its second moment of area calculated. The strut was then fit into the rig with the pinned ends condition. Plastic inserts were then inserted in the channels adjacent to the center of the strut such that when load was applied the strut would not come into contact with the inserts. The large hand wheel was used to load the strut slowly. As the wheel was turning, the load reading and the deflection of the strut was observed heavily. The plastic insert was used to ensure that the strut does not buckle further than 15mm.The peak load on the display was recorded and the hand wheel turned to release the load. This is the reading for buckling on its natural direction. A light load was then applied and gently pushed on the center to force it to buckle in the opposite direction. The load was then increased until the strut buckled end the peak load recorded. The load was then released. The mean of the two buckling loads was thereafter calculated. The procedure was repeated for the other steel struts No 2 to No 6. And for one strut made from a different material and the other shape. For strut No 4, the experiment was repeated with a fixed to pinned end condition and strut No 3 with fixed to fixed end conditions. The curve of length against average experimental buckling load was plotted for steel struts 1 6. Theoretical buckling load was then calculated for each length and then plotted on the graph. Comments on the effect of length, end conditions, material and 2nd moment of area on the buckling loads were then made. Experiment 2 The Load Display was connected and switched on. It was then given some few minutes for the display and the load cell to warm up. The load measuring end was tapped to remove any effects of friction and the display zeroed. The 750 mm steel strut was obtained. The strut was then fixed on the pinned ends condition. The deflection gauge was then fitted at the midspan of the strut while ensuring that there is 15mm of travel in the natural buckling direction. The strut was then tested in the natural buckling direction while recording the load at deflection intervals of 0.5mm. The table of results was then filled. The Eccentric End fittings were then fitted to strut number 2 with both fittings set to give the smallest eccentricity (5mm) Strut number 2 was fitted and the position of the deflection indicator adjusted to allow for the offset. The test was then repeated with the same strut. The end fittings at both ends of the strut were reversed to give larger eccentricity. The indicator was adjusted and the test repeated. A chart was then created showing load on the vertical axis against deflection on the horizontal axis. The results from each strut was added to the chart. A chart for a Southwell plot was created, deflection (y) against (y/P) where P is the load. The results from each strut was then added to this chart and further analysis done RESULTS AND CALCULATIONS Experiment 1 Theoretical buckling load (N) 174.70 240.40 306.10 280.52 397.56 339.33 332.99 826.75 304.39 359.29 Average Peak buckling load(N) 189.5 198 236 257 286.5 327 283 279 559 1068 Peak buckling load 2(N) 212 204 251 251 288 334 294 292 579 1187 Peak buckling load 1(N) 167 192 221 263 285 320 272 266 539 949 Strut Details 2nd Moment of area 48.103 57.649 63.311 53.636 70.055 50.244 180.746 170.974 53.636 63.311 d 3.11 3.20 3.41 3.23 3.54 3.15 4.84 6.46 3.23 3.41 b 19.19 19.25 19.16 19.10 19.44 19.39 19.13 _ 19.10 19.16 K value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.7 0.5 Fixing conditions P-P P-P P-P P-P P-P P-P P-P P-P P-F F-F Youngs modulus (N/mm2) 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 207000 105000 207000 207000 207000 Material Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Brass Steel Steel Steel Shape Rect Rect Rect Rect Rect Rect Rect Round Rect Rect Working length 750 700 650 625 600 550 750 650 600 600 Strut no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 J 4 3 Experiment 2 Deflection (mm) Eccentricity=0 Eccentricity=5mm Eccentricity=7.5mm Load (N) Defl/Ave Load Load (N) Defl/Ave Load Load (N) Defl/Ave Load 0 0 _ 0 _ 0 _ 0.5 50 0.0100 21 0.0238 8 0.0625 1 74 0.0135 27 0.0370 17 0.0588 1.5 95 0.0158 40 0.0375 24 0.0625 2 108 0.0185 48 0.0417 30 0.0667 2.5 116 0.0216 55 0.0455 35 0.0714 3 125 0.0240 53 0.0566 40 0.0750 3.5 131 0.0267 66 0.0530 45 0.0778 4 135 0.0296 71 0.0563 49 0.0816 4.5 139 0.0324 75 0.0600 54 0.0833 5 141 0.0355 81 0.0617 58 0.0862 5.5 144 0.0382 82 0.0671 59 0.0932 6 147 0.0408 88 0.0682 65 0.0923 6.5 149 0.0436 90 0.0722 69 0.0942 7 150 0.0467 92 0.0761 72 0.0972 7.5 152 0.0493 96 0.0781 73 0.1027 8 153 0.0523 97 0.0825 77 0.1039 8.5 154 0.0552 98 0.0867 80 0.1063 9 156 0.0577 103 0.0874 82 0.1098 9.5 157 0.0605 107 0.0888 84 0.1131 10 158 0.0633 107 0.0935 86 0.1163 10.5 159 0.0660 112 0.0938 89 0.1180 11 160 0.0688 113 0.0973 91 0.1209 11.5 160 0.0719 115 0.1000 93 0.1237 12 161 0.0745 117 0.1026 94 0.1277 12.5 161 0.0776 119 0.1050 96 0.1302 13 162 0.0802 120 0.1083 98 0.1327 13.5 162 0.0833 122 0.1107 100 0.1350 14 163 0.0859 123 0.1138 101 0.1386 14.5 163 0.0890 124 0.1169 103 0.1408 15 164 0.0915 125 0.1200 104 0.1442 Moment of inertia (I) of a circle and rectangle were obtained using the formula; DISCUSSION Below is the graph of working length against buckling load for the first experiment. It is observed that as the working length was increasing, the buckling load was decreasing. For the second experiment, A graph drawn for load against deflection shows a nonlinear relationship between the load applied and the deflection of the beam. The second graph is of deflection(y) against (y/P) where P is the load. This is the Southwell plot for the beam used. A line of best fit drawn in the Southwell Plot indicates that the points obtained are having an almost linear relationship except at low values of deflection which has a small curvature. The slopes of the graphs, Euler buckling load, were obtained for different eccentricities together with the points of intersection with the y axis which indicates the eccentricity of loading. This represents the imperfection of the strut and the equipment used plus the imposed eccentricity. Southwell plot results Eccentricity (mm) Gradient y-intercept 0 178.18 -1.301 5 164.32 -5.0783 7.5 170.12 -9.6389 Southwell plot; The experiment was a success as the strut was subjected to different loads to determine the buckling load. The effect of material, length of the specimen, shape and fixing conditions were observed. Different graphs were drawn from the results obtained which enhanced further analysis. The Southwell graph was also drawn which was used to obtain eccentricity values and the struts theoretical/Euler buckling load. Wang, C.M., Zhang, Y.Y., Ramesh, S.S. and Kitipornchai, S., 2006. Buckling analysis of micro-and nano-rods/tubes based on nonlocal Timoshenko beam theory. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 39(17), p.3904. Akgà ¶z, B. and Civalek, -., 2011. Strain gradient elasticity and modified couple stress models for buckling analysis of axially loaded micro-scaled beams. International Journal of Engineering Science, 49(11), pp.1268-1280. Roorda, J., 1967. Some thoughts on the Southwell plot. Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, 93(6), pp.37-48. Mandal, P. and Calladine, C.R., 2002. Lateral-torsional buckling of beams and the Southwell plot. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 44(12), pp.2557-2571. Singer, J., 1989. On the applicability of the Southwell plot to plastic buckling. Experimental Mechanics, 29(2), pp.205-208. Cowper, G.R., 1966, June. The shear coefficient in Timoshenkos beam theory. ASME.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Elasticity of Pecan Market :: essays research papers
The article â€Å"Big Crop Won’t Reduce Pecan Prices†is about how the market for pecans affects the both the wholesale market and the retail market. The article describes how pecans are relatively inelastic around major holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is stated that there was a 150 million pound increase in pecans from the previous year. Since there was such a great increase in quantity supplied, the price decreased. Since the demand for pecans is relatively inelastic, consumers are not affected by a change in price. This article also describes the difference between the wholesale market and the retail market for pecans. Wholesale markets produce the pecans, and sell them to retailers for a low price; between seventy-five to eighty-five cents per pound. While the retailers purchase the pecans for a low price, they turn around and sell them to consumers for about five times the price they paid for them. The pecan producers have no control over the pric es that they sell the pecans at, and they have no control over the price that the retailers sell the pecans at.      The wholesale pecan market is a perfectly competitive market. There are lots of different suppliers, and it’s a highly standardized product. The demand and supply curves are relatively inelastic due to the craze for pecans during the holidays. The massive increase in pecans supplied causes the price per pound of pecans to decrease greatly. The graph (on the left) represents the increase in demand.            The graph above and off to the right represents the demand and marginal cost for a firm. In the retail market, they have control over the price at which they sell their products to consumers. In the article they state that the firms buy the pecans from wholesale markets for a small price, like eighty-five cents, and then they go off and sell the same pecans for $5.50. A decrease in the price causes a decrease in marginal cost.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
CELTA written Assignment 3: Language Skills Related Task Essay
Section 1: chosen text For this assignment I have a chosen a text which is an interview with celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, called ‘Interview with Jamie Oliver: I’m a big fan of chillies’, by Nandy Priyadarshini, published on DNA India website ( The level of students for which the article and tasks are intended is intermediate. I think students will be interested in reading an interview with Jamie Oliver because food tends to be a universal topic that everyone can relate to. Despite the fact that different nationalities and cultures have different cuisines, overall, people all around the world love food and enjoy talking about it. Jamie Oliver is one of Britain’s celebrity chefs and what makes him stand out is his outspoken, passionate and no-nonsense philosophy about cooking that people find appealing. He is seen on many TV shows and his books have made him a familiar face all over the world, so there is a good chance the students, who have different nationalities, have heard of Jamie Oliver. Additionally, a healthy lifestyle has become a very current topic which is why this article is interesting and relevant material, suitable for reading activities. The text has a good length, around 1 A4. Too long a text will require too much from the students, too short a text and the students aren’t challenged enough. Section 2: Lead-in In order to raise students’ awareness, I would consider showing them some realia in the classroom, for example a frying pan and ask the students WHOSE name comes to mind when they see it. Perhaps they can come up with some names of famous cooks. Then show a book by Jamie Oliver and elicit his name. I would ask the students what they know about him, whether they have ever seen his shows, if they have ever tried his recipes, if they like cooking in general. If so why, or why not. â€Å"If we can get the students engaged in the task there is a much better chance they will read (or listen) with commitment and concentration, whether or not they were interested in the topic to start with†says Jeremy Harmer in ‘The practice of English Language Teaching, 3rd edition, 2001, page 206. By allowing the students to work in pairs, they get the chance to practise their speaking skills a little bit. Section 3: Initial receptive skills task On a hand-out, students would be given the interview text and my initial receptive skills task would be to ask the students to come up with a different title for the text. The original title is of the text is: ‘I’m a big fan of chillies’. Jamie Oliver does mention chillies in the interview but talks about many other things. In order for the students to find another title, they would have to read the entire interview and to get a general understanding of the article. Purpose of this task is to practise reading for gist. Students will probably not understand all the vocabulary but they will hopefully get a feel for the passion Jamie Oliver feels towards food and cooking, and how he wants to accomplish his mission(s). The article contains quite a bit of vocabulary that the students may be unfamiliar with. Examples are: in fashion, chat, have it rough, merchandise, noble, knowledge, affordable, treat, do justice, prepare, tastier, chopping board, equipment, sink, rubbish, fortune, contributions, inspired, accessible, watchable, consider, transform, bland, excitement, sneak, flavour, versatile. The students, however, are asked to skim the text, as explained by Jeremy Harmer in ‘The practice of English Language Teaching 3rd edition, 2001, page 202: â€Å"the reader has made a choice not to attend to every detail but to use their processing powers to get more of a top-down view of what is going on†. I would refrain from pre-teaching vocabulary at this stage because â€Å"if we want to give students practice in what it is like to tackle authentic reading and listening texts for general understanding, then getting past words they do not understand is one of the skills they need to develop. By giving them some or all of those words, we deny them that chance†stated Jeremy Harmer in ‘The practice of English Language Teaching 3rd edition, 2001, page 203. After the students have invented a new title, I would ask them to discuss their ideas with their partners to give them some speaking practice. In the class room session, some suggestions would then be shared with the entire class and the teacher is able to do some error-correction. Section 4: Second receptive skills task The second task is a more difficult one and requires the students to read the text for specific information. The purpose of this task is read for detail and interpret the opinion of the interviewer as well as the person being interviewed. Because the majority of difficult words are in context, students should be able to understand the meaning of them. I could encourage the students to read fast, as mentioned in ‘Learning Teaching’ by Jim Scrivener, 3rd edition, 2011, page 264: â€Å"A good first strategy could be to help them to read fast; not worrying about understanding every word; not, perhaps, even understanding most words, but still achieving a specific and useful goal†. In this task, the students will be given a number of statements – see Appendix – and they will have to indicate whether they are true or false. After this activity, students get the opportunity to check their answers with their partners which will enable to correct their own mistakes before the answers are discussed in class. In the class room feedback session, the really difficult words that students struggled with, can be addressed. I would use realia, pictures and/ or mime to elicit the meaning of vocabulary. For example, show pictures of a chopping board, sink, rubbish, merchandise. To convey the meaning of for example ‘noble’ or ‘have it rough’, I could revert back to the context in the article and use concept checking questions. Section 5: Productive skills follow-up activity As a follow-on task, it might be good idea for the students to practise speaking language related to food and food culture in groups and have a little debate about it. Students should think about what people like to eat in the country where they are from. If there are foods their countries are famous for. For example Spain: tapas; Netherlands: cheese, France: also cheese, bread etc. What would you recommend a visitor to eat in your country and why? Or why not? The students get some freer oral fluency practice related to different food cultures. Afterwards, one person may present some of the group’s findings to the rest of the class. Another follow-on task might involve some writing practice where students, individually, write a paragraph with ‘all your favourite foods in one day’. To start off with, students should describe their ideal breakfast, followed by lunch and dinner, including drinks. What would the perfect menu look like? This may include foods from the country that they are from or from another country. For example: in the morning, I want to eat bread with cheese and have cup of tea. I would also like to drink a glass of milk or orange juice for breakfast etc. This would enable to students to have controlled written practice in the context of food. Section 6: References Sources: Learning Teaching, the essential guide to English Language Teaching, 3rd edition 2011 by Jim Scrivener The Practice of English Language Teaching, 3rd edition 2001 by Jeremy Harmer Appendix True/False Statements 1) Jamie Oliver is like all the other cooks on TV because he is just an entertainer cannot really cook (false) 2) In Food Revolution, he is trying to teach people that tasty food does not have to cost much and it can be healthy (true) 3) He also believes that ‘fast food’ is ok and that people can eat it as much as they want (false) 4) Jamie Oliver thinks that if you want to cook a really good meal, it always takes a lot of time in the kitchen (false) 5) Jamie likes to keep his kitchen as clean as possible when he is cooking (true) 6) What Jamie Oliver really likes is to think of new recipes with other chefs (true) 7) He says that the fish from Marrakesh is the best (false) 8) Jamie Oliver hopes that young people stop eating all junk food (false) 9) His mission is to give people new ideas about food and how to cook it (true) 10) He believes that you have to use garlic, lemons and chillies in every meal if you want your food to taste better (false) Wednesday, 2 October 2013 – 4:30pm IST | Agency: dna / Priyadarshini Nandy Interview with Jamie Oliver: I’m a big fan of chillies Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver is always in fashion. With two of his famous television shows currently on Indian television, we decided to have a little chat with him about them. And what he tells us is to love food  from the heart. Celebrity chefs often have it rough. While most of them are heroes on television, in the real culinary world they are sometimes considered to be simply showmen and not real chefs. British chef Jamie Oliver is a bit different though. Yes, he is cute for sure, but the talented chef and restaurateur, who also has a line of television shows to his credit (a few of them are currently airing on Big CBS Love) as well as a line of irresistible merchandise, can sure put together a decent meal. In an interview with After Hrs, he talks about his food mantra†¦ We’d like to start with Food Revolution†¦ The show has been on for a while and you’re trying to do something extremely noble that the world can learn from. Did you achieve what you set out to do? My goals are really to make sure that children and adults around the world are given the knowledge to be able to feed themselves and their families properly  and by that I mean with fresh ingredients, not expensive ingredients. With a bit of knowledge, you can prepare quick, affordable, delicious and nutritious meals and also understand that there’s nothing wrong with things like fast food but only as a treat, not as everyday food. Referring to your 30 Minute Meals show, don’t you think that meals don’t quite do justice to a dish, unless you’re just throwing something together to avoid staying hungry? Cooking doesn’t have to be a slow process – you can make a delicious meal in five minutes if you know what you’re doing. You can even prepare something at home in the morning that you can eat for lunch and you’ll save money and it will probably be tastier than something you buy from a shop. It also depends on what you are cooking. Some dishes are simple and they only take one pot and a chopping board and a knife to put together. Others use more equipment. I find working into an empty sink or dishwasher, and having a bowl for rubbish near you when you prep, really helps minimise the mess. You’ve had the fortune of travelling across the globe. Can you share one or two of your favourite experiences as far as your culinary expeditions are concerned†¦ I’ll always remember my first night in Marrakesh as well as the freshness of the fish in Greece. But I’ll tell you that every few months, I get to work in the kitchens with my chefs from Jamie’s Italian and also an American chef I’m working with called Adam Perry Lang, and the things we come up with are always exciting. What do you think are your major contributions in the world of food? I would like to think that I’ve inspired people all over the world to try new things, to cook a bit better and to be a bit more adventurous with their cooking. I also hope I’ve inspired children to get excited about fresh food. What makes you different from other colleagues that have their own TV shows? I’ve always tried to make my television series interesting and accessible so whether it’s something like Jamie at Home or Jamie’s School Dinners, they’re always very watchable and there’s something in each one that makes the viewer think about food in a new way. What is that one ingredient you consider basic in any kitchen  the one thing that can transform a bland meal into a banquet? I’m a big fan of chillies and so I’d probably choose those – there’s so much you can do with them. They don’t work in every meal, of course, but they can really add excitement to so many things. I know I’m only supposed to choose one ingredient, but if I can sneak two more in, I’d also say lemons and garlic, both add so much flavour and are incredibly versatile.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Advantages and Hazards of Embedding Media Elements
Advantages and Hazards of Embedding Media Elements with Forward Deploying Units Colorado Springs, Colorado September, 2012 Abstract War has evolved, as has the media and society’s demand for its updates. Operational security continues to remain a top combat priority however; we must not ignore the first amendment rights of the press. Our government exists for its people, and when we mobilize our military assets it is on the behalf of the people we need to ensure they are informed.Thus, we must analyze and balance the hazards and advantages of the media’s involvement with ongoing military operations. Commanders Brief: Advantages and Hazards of Embedding Media Elements with Forward Deploying Units As we prepare for an impending military mobilization, we must decide the level to which the media will be embedded and have access to military updates. Members of the media desire to be able to send near real time reports and updates as the battle unfolds. Concurrently, unit com manders want to insure that operational security (OPSEC) is not compromised as a result.Advantages of Media Inclusion The modern American is a creature dependent on immediate gratification in everything they do. Receiving news updates on operations that their military is conducting is no different. Several public opinion polls suggest that, by and large, the public was well satisfied with wartime coverage during the initial invasion of Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom (Kim, 2004). This was thanks to, in part, by the unprecedented access granted to reporters on the battlefield, as well as advances in communication technologies.It was particularly helpful from the perspective of the United States Government (USG) as it helped ensure that the information relayed to the public was credible rather than propaganda from the enemy. Additionally, as the USG maintains a civilian controlled military, more transparency can garner more support and less suspicion from the populace. Such and attit ude from the homeland during operations such as the Iraq invasion can assure battlefield decisions are being made by field commanders rather than politics. Potential Hazards of Media InclusionIncreased media access has indeed helped insure the true story is being told. However there have been instances when the embedded reporters transmitted inaccurate information (PBS, 2003). Such information could be as minor as a slight miscalculation of enemy tanks destroyed in a battle, or as major as declaring a friendly fire casualty rather than enemy fire. Either way, it is imperative that we ensure the utmost accuracy with all reports being made. Another hazard is the reallocation of forces to ensure the safety of the reporters themselves as they are not combatants.This can usually be quelled by ensuring an adequate safe distance from the frontline is adhered to. However, in the event that US forces find themselves outnumbered, or in a disadvantageous position, US personnel must then not on ly repel the enemy, but take extra measure to ensure the safety of the reporters. Such an instance could result in additional loss of life, equipment, or mission initiative. Then there is perhaps the greatest potential hazard of all: OPSEC. OPSEC is paramount for military success. It ensures the enemy doesn’t know our intentions, methods, or capabilities.If the media is too loosely monitored, they could potentially release critical information. If mission details are made available to the enemy prior to or even during an operation, operational security has been compromised, and the mission may be jeopardized (Kim, 2004). Making a Compromise, Finding a Balance Ultimately, military operations are going to occur and the media will need to be present. In order to maintain mission integrity a balance must be found and compromises will need to be made. First, let’s address ensuring accurate reporting is taking place.As all major military commands have public affairs officers and uniformed soldiers tasked with reporting themselves, it should be relatively painless to ensure all civilian reports are monitored for accuracy before being transmitted. This can also ensure OPSEC guidelines are being adhered to as well. We must also make it very clear that there may be times when military operations will require the media to not be allowed to transmit for indeterminate amounts of time. As for maintaining the physical security and safety of civilian media personnel, we should restrict their postings to larger units, battalion or greater.Doing this will provide greater numbers of forces for security of the reporters without degrading combat effectiveness. Additionally, during times of intense combat, every effort should be made by the onsite commander to make sure the civilians are well clear of front lines. Conclusion As war and the military continue to evolve, so must the USG’s relationship with the media. The media must no longer be viewed as merely a burden and an unwanted distraction, but as another tool for the commander. Our military force is highly educated and professional.Having accurate and timely media coverage of military operations will ensure that the world sees it. References Kim, J. J. (2004). Reporters on the Battlefield: The Embedded Press System in Historical Context. In Rand: National Security Division. Retrieved September 6, 2012, from http://www. rand. org/pubs/monographs/2004/RAND_MG200. pdf Pros and Cons of Embedded Journalism. (2003, March 27). In PBS News Hour. Retrieved September 6, 2012, from http://www. pbs. org/newshour/extra/features/jan-june03/embed_3-27. html
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