Wednesday, November 27, 2019
A extensive book revew on Animal Farm by George Orwell and its symbolism to the Russian Revolution
A extensive book revew on Animal Farm by George Orwell and its symbolism to the Russian Revolution Book Review: Animal Farm: A Fairy StoryBy George OrwellPublisher: Harcourt Brace Company; 1946The content of the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell is satirical to the RussianRevolution. The narrative is developed by means of an establishment of events that correlatedirectly to changes that occurred in Russia [mainly] in the early 1900's. The events andcharacters in the book are comparative to important figures and affairs in the RussianRevolution. Although Orwell wrote the book to clearly reflect that distinct era, this novel can alsobe viewed as an allegory on any revolution. Through this generalized approach to thepresentation of the novel, Orwell creates a more identifiable way in which to explore thehappenstance of the Russian Revolution, while simultaneously creating a completely individualtrain of events.The novel takes place on a farm called "Manor Farm". In the initial stages of the book,the power over the farm is directly in the hands of a certain "Mr.Stalin's Grave by the Kremlin Wall NecropolisJones" who in recent times hastaken up alcohol consumption. Mr.Jones is parallel to Tsar Nicholas II as suggested by hisantipathy toward his people (the farm animals, in Jones' situation) and his denial of the currentbureaucratic state. Before his abdication in 1917 (as is parallel to Jones' escapement from hisspiteful farm of animals), the Tsar is known to have partaken in excess alcohol consumptionalong with his men. It was for this same reason that Jones has lost control of the farm, whichinitiates the ideal of revolution to the animals. Old Major stirs the other animals by showing hisdisagreement as per Jones' selfish method of running the farm. As quoted in the book, "Manis the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Words with the -ster Suffix
Words with the -ster Suffix Words with the -ster Suffix Words with the -ster Suffix By Mark Nichol The suffix -ster originated in Old English as -ister, serving to turn a verb into an agent noun, one describing a person who (or thing that) performs an action. Beginning its linguistic life as the feminine equivalent of -er, it survives in the specifically feminine noun spinster- originally, â€Å"a woman who spins,†but now a label for an older unmarried woman. In Middle English, the suffix lost its gender-specific function. Surnames that were originally agent nouns denoting occupations include Baxter (â€Å"baker†), Brewster (â€Å"beer maker†), and Webster (â€Å"weaver†); linguists are divided about whether these terms were exclusively applied to female practitioners of various crafts or referred to men as well. Another occupational term, teamster, originally referred to a wagon driver and later to a truck driver; this profession gave its name to the trade union called the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, which includes workers in many other trades. Other words that we hardly notice include the suffix include gangster and mobster, both referring to members of criminal organizations. (Bankster is a recent play on the former word, alluding to allegedly felonious acts of bank executives.) A slang term for one who plays basketball is hoopster, and young and old people are referred to as youngsters and oldsters respectively. Less common words include chorister (a member of a chorus), pollster (someone involved in developing or carrying out polls), and tipster (an informant). Most -ster constructions are neutral in tone, but two derisive appellations are hipster, referring to a person who self-consciously follows an alternative lifestyle, and scenester, someone who is ostentatiously immersed in a trendy social scene. Various words for people who practice various forms of humor include gagster, jokester, prankster, punster, and quipster. Trickster refers to a dishonest person or to one who, like a stage magician, uses tricks to benignly deceive others; in folkloric studies, the term denotes a type of god or other supernatural figure who is cunning or who practices deception. Two terms that refer to things rather than people are dragster (a car used in drag races) and roadster (a convertible sports car). Although lobster is likely an agent noun- from loppe, an Old English word meaning â€Å"spider,†and -ster, its name is folk etymology based on the Latin word locustra (also the origin of locust)- some words that end in -ster are not related. Monster, for example, is based on the Latin term monstrum, meaning â€Å"monster†or â€Å"omen.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:5 Uses of InfinitivesA While vs AwhileWords That Begin with Q
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Kipling's White Man's Burden Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Kipling's White Man's Burden - Essay Example Rudyard Kipling is trying to show the negative attitudes of Europeans towards imperialism. Africans were considered as savages and a burden by them. This is a racial point of view. Africans are considered as crazy, devilish, and dumb people. Africans are treated as a burden of the Europeans, but at the same time, they also think that it is their responsibility to help Africans out. Kipling is simply justifying American’s coming in Africa and taking over the African lives. This reflects that he does not believe in the concept of equality. For him, not every person holds equal rights and some have fewer rights than others, simply because they are less humane. He is encouraging the concept of imperialism. He believes that the Africans are simply ungrateful people. Help is being granted to them, yet they are retaliating against it. 2. Kipling addressed this poem to the Americans in relation to their recent colonization of Philippines. I believe that Kipling really thinks that it i s the responsibility of the civilized nations to those they have conquered. While using the term â€Å"white man’s burden†, he is trying to explain the fact that the European ancestry (or the American one, for that matter) has more opportunities and chances for better education and has more political influence than the natives had. Had Kipling written this poem earlier, he would have argued against colonial imperialism. He was born in the time when native people have already been conquered. It seems as if Kipling is trying to get across the message that no gratitude or corporation in return for the improvement of the lives should be expected. When Kipling uses the phrase â€Å"Take up the White man’s Burden†, it has two meanings. It is naturally considered a duty towards the primitive, impoverished people and that the do-gooder has to bear the resulting ingratitude. Kipling’s assumption regarding the laziness and backwardness of the Filipinos might be considered as racist and patronizing to many modern day readers. But it simply was not meant to offend the people. Kipling was simply trying to explain the difficulties which the Americans faced. The issues, which were then raised by Kipling, seem to be relevant in today’s world. The world is not made a better place without sacrifices and hard work. In addition, the welcome mat is not always rolled out for those who want to change the world for the better. 3. Kipling has offered defense throughout the poem. He thinks that imperialism can work out for the best if it is executed correctly. The poem was meant to discuss not only the American response to the Philippines but also towards the European countries – that they should share medicines and wealth to reduce the misfortunes, illnesses, and famines which are polluting Africa. At first, imperialism might seem to be very striking, but it can have various definitions, depending on the way it is being executed. So muc h emphasis on the execution is placed so that dual meaning is not derived out of Kipling’s prose. He strongly believes that if imperialism is implemented in the correct way, than it can preserve cultures. It is possible only if the wealth is shared and medicine is practiced properly. However, it was not seen the way Kipling had interpreted. The wealthy defined civilization. White men are considered wealthy and hence
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Reasons for the Decline in Union Membership and Density in the 21st Research Paper
Reasons for the Decline in Union Membership and Density in the 21st Century - Research Paper Example Over the past decade, unions have used their political clout to advocate legislation and establish regulatory agencies that supersede entirely or greatly circumscribe the scope of collective bargaining on many issues of significance to employees. When deciding whether or not to form or join a union, workers balance the costs of doing so, such as union dues, against the expected benefits, such as better working conditions and pensions. While the costs of joining unions are seemingly unaffected by most labor legislation, the potential benefits of doing so decline. Because they are already buying labor protection and mandated fringe benefits with tax dollars, workers have less incentive to join unions. The political success of unions in the past has surely played some role in undermining their future prospects, as in the case of VBY union. It is no secret that labour unions have been declining in membership and influence for many years. The number of unionized workers in Europe was only 16.7 million in 1990, which is approximately 16 per cent of the workforce. This is less than one-half the per cent unionized in the mid-1950s. Some managers view the decline of unions with glee. To them unions are non-productive, combative adversaries interfering with the harmonious and efficient operation of the company. Some of them have adopted the idea that this is pay-back time for the punishment management suffered in the sixties and early seventies when rising wages, automatic cost of living adjustments, ever-increasing benefits, strikes, and Byzantine work rule arrangements seemingly were the rule.Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Video games are good Essay Example for Free
Video games are good Essay In this 21st generation, video games are one of the most entertaining and one of the most popular ways to enjoy time. Video games are electronic human interactive games, which can be played in different types of consoles in a variety of ways. Have you ever thought about video games being beneficial? Or not just something which helps pass time or something that is a bad addiction? Video games are so popular in today’s world that, the video game business earns billions of dollars on releasing a game or a type of console. In 2010 the play station brand hit 155 million units sales of their ever so famous console, â€Å"the play station 2,†which is also known as the â€Å"PS2. †Video games are not just an entertainment but, it has turned into something much bigger, it has turned into a business and also a living for some people. Many people state that video games are bad for us, like there is a topic posted in debate. org, where people who think video games are not of any good, and surprisingly to my benefits of my opinion 67% of the people who rated the discussion disliked it! Many people also have related violent behavior to violent games, like the tragic massacre that took place on the December 12th 2012, when 20 year old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adult staffs, in Sandy Hook Elementary School. Many have said that, Violent video games was one of the main motivations for Adam’s violent act, A TV and a radio host, named Glen beck stated that the, â€Å"Sandy Hook Massacre,†was caused by video games. He also states that, â€Å"video games are a gateway drug for our kids and instead of a high, they get numbness, they get an indifferent heart and a mind that cannot tell the difference between fiction and reality. †I strongly disagree with his point; there was violence before video games. I believe the Sandy Hook murderer was a mentally ill and an unstable teenager. If video games was the case, there are a lot of children play violent video games, like the first person shooting game â€Å"Call of Duty Black Ops II,†is a violent war game and the game is really realistic and it is brutal. The game went to gross $ 1 Billion in the first 15 days of availability. With so many people playing violent games there should have more than at least 50 massacres yearly according to my calculation. I mean if a normal human being plays a violent video game for maybe even more than 12 hours a week, it wont motivate or trigger us to go kill someone, you have to have some kind of a mental illness or a violent angst, to go fling around guns in public. Video games are not harmful for someone, and many parents and critics are very judgmental about it, as many kids are not properly guided and supervised while playing video games. Video games, are surely fun but an individual should be self discipline and even the parents should be able to handle and guide their children on how much they play their video games. An article by Health Central also suggests that video games are bad. It tells the readers that it makes people un-social, obese, and also it causes them to have bad grades, aren’t these reasons all about self-disciplinary? Are video games the main cause of this? Video Games are even in fact educational, like the game Civil-war, teaches us and gives us like a first hand experience about the American civil war fought in 1861. It also gives out facts and important dates about the civil war in the loading screen. Maybe even someone who has a hard time making friends, get along with others, while playing video games or them having the same interest in video games. â€Å"A growing body of university research suggests that gaming improves creativity, perception and also decision making†(Hotz par. 1). Experts of health central said that, video games causes people to be obese, anti-social and perform bad in schools, but I believe it is the fault of those gamers who get to addictive to video game and their lack of self-discipline. Video games cannot be blamed for those reasons. If we put it like that anything we do excessively is harm to us. Playing video games is not a bad thing at all; it instead helps us pass time more entertainingly and has benefits to it as well. A research showed that people who played video games made better decisions 25% faster than those who did not play video games. A research by University of York aimed to discover if video games improver hand-eye coordination. †In order to discover this, they compared the brain activity of participants who played video games for at least 4 hours a week with the results from participants who did not play video games. The study showed that the participants who did not play video games relied mostly on a part of the brain that controls hand eye coordination. In order to complete the games, the men who were not accustomed to playing video games had to focus a large amount of mental energy on coordinating what they were seeing on the screen with the physical actions they were making on the controller. Besides hand eye co-ordination, active games like the, â€Å"Nintendo Wii has promoted where you have to do things physically which has proved to improve your physicality and give you enough exercise†(Wittman par. 5). As I mentioned before video games can be a way of living for someone nowadays, an article by Kyle Russell states that, â€Å"over 60 gamers earn more than 100,000 US dollar without counting the sponsorship deals and streaming their practice games. †Even I have experinced how drastically video games improve you reactions and hand eye cordination. When I was in middle school, we had to play indoor games during the winter as it used to be really cold outside to play soccer, which was really sad for me as I love soccer and I kind of didn’t like to play indoor game. We were made to play table-tennis, and I used to hate it as I was really not that good. Around that time was when I started playing video games and as soon as that, after two months or so, I really felt myself improving in table-tennis drastically and without practice. My reactions were really fast, I later then realized how video games had a big role in that. Video games have many benefirts, In an article by Drew Guarini posted in the Huff post says â€Å"a study by a group of Italian researchers proved that video games helps dyslexic children read better. Many may still argue that, even after all these benefits video games are not worth its cost, but if we look at the long run it might save us a lot of money, a anti video game mom, Jo Ashiline also re-considered getting a video game, she said, â€Å"This dilemma led me this Christmas to consider getting a video game system, at least a Wii that we could all play together. The kids pointed out that I spent $82 the last time we all went bowling, and with the Wii, we could bowl at home for free (Ashline, par. 7). Ultimately, it is apparent that video games are a lot more beneficial than many people think, video games have had its prejudices created by all the critics those have very invalid reasoning like how some said, Video games are the reason for mass massacre, or even maybe how video games causes bad-grades and obesity. Those reasons are not because of the video game, but because of lack of supervision and self-disciplinary. I think that Video games are a wonderful way to spend time while having many benefits to everyone. For the old folks who may think that video games are only for the younger one, you may want to re-consider. A study this year conducted by University of Iowa found out that, Playing brain-teasing game for just two hours a week may help slow the degree of mental decay associated with the natural aging process. (Guarini D, par. 10). Work Cited FYI: Video Game Statistics by the Entertainment Software Association. Critical Gaming Project. Word Press, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. Are Video Games Bad for Children? The Premier Online Debate Website. N. p. , n. d. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. Sandy hook shoting article Sandy Hook Shooter Motivated by Violent Video Games, Norway Massacre (Report). The Hollywood Reporter. N. p. , 18 Feb. 2013. Web. 19 Nov. 2013. Feraligatr, Caz. Glenn Beck: Video Games Are A Drug That Killed 28 People! Blog by CazFeraligatr IGN. IGN. N. p. , 22 Feb. 2013. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. Main Menu. Dependable Video Games. N. p. , 19 Sept. 2012. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. Video Gaming Increases Physical Activity. The Journal of Extension (JOE). Journal of Extension, n. d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. Russel, Kyle. The Highest-Paid Professional Video Gamers In The World. Web log post. Business Insider. N. p. , n. d. Web. 20 Nov. 2013. Guarini, Drew. 9 Ways Video Games Can Actually Be Good For You. The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost. com, 07 Nov. 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. Work Cited Ashline, Jo. Video Games Were Invented by the Devil OC Moms: The Mom Blog : The Orange County Register. OC Moms: The Mom Blog. N. p. , 27 Dec. 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2013.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Burton Snowboards Business Analysis Essay -- Business Marketing Analyz
Burton Snowboards Business Analysis Burton Snowboards takes surfing to the mountains, with premium snowboards and equipment. Jake Burton, the world’s first snowboard maker, founded the company in 1977 in Londonberry, Vermont. Despite it being small and privately owned, Burton is the industry leader in snowboards and equipment controlling 40% total market share in the winter sports industry. Burton is a global business with its main headquarters in Vermont, Japan and Austria and worldwide distribution capabilities in over 35 countries. Burton Snowboards operates three factory outlet stores in Vermont, Massachusetts, and Austria. To create buzz marketing, Burton encourages newbie’s to experience the slopes with its Learn To Ride (LTR) line of equipment and programs at ski resorts nationally. In the past few years, Burton has started independent companies, which have their own individual identities and products. Burton has also created one of the most extensive online shopping experiences for its clientele. ( Strengths      Burton attributed to the development of the sport of snowboarding, as it was the first and oldest manufacturer. The company has a loyal customer base and an established retail distribution channel. Burton provides customers with an interactive online website. In order to provide help to mountain resorts to attract and retain snowboarders, Burton’s primary customer base, they have created integral relationships with resorts by providin...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ralph Lauren Strategy Paper Essay
Module 2: Mission, Goals, and the Strategic Management Process The mission of Ralph Lauren is to provide quality product, bringing different worlds together and inviting people into their dream and vision (McAllister, 2012). They are the true innovators of lifestyle advertisements that tell a story and the first to create stores that encourage customer participation in that lifestyle (McAllister, 2012). Ralph Lauren has 3 major goals: †¢ Build and extend the brand by uniquely showcasing the world of Ralph Lauren through advertising and marketing. The Ralph Lauren Company also plans to expand and extend the Ralph Lauren lifestyle through new products, in new categories, and in new parts of the world. (Johnston, Watkins, & Wright, 2005) †¢ Keeping its specialty retail is also extremely important. Polo continues to increase the amount of exclusive or limited-distribution product in its Ralph Lauren stores. They also plan on making significant advances in how it operates its retail stores by adding experience and strength to the leadership of the specialty retail group and coupling it with the right merchandise and marketing support. (Johnston, Watkins, & Wright, 2005) †¢ Expanding its international presence so that they can broaden their reach through increasing direct brand ownership and control with new specialty retail store openings. (Johnston, Watkins, & Wright, 2005) Yes, the firm has long–term goals that might become challenging. For instance, expanding internationally especially in Europe has been challenging. Sales in Europe have shown little growth, therefore; Polo Ralph Lauren is currently finding new ways to reduce costs through changes in its infrastructure. (Johnston, Watkins, & Wright, 2005) Polo Ralph Lauren’s main strategic plan to grow the company is creating new stores because it makes up for almost one-third of its revenues. Creating new stores is a part of intended strategies because the company carefully plans where they want their store according to the amount of business the company plan on acquiring in a particular area. (Johnston, Watkins, & Wright, 2005) Module 3: External Analysis In the macro environment, Ralph Lauren Corporation has and will be impacted by all the changes that will occur. In the macro environment the company is impacted by the political, economical, sociocultural, technological, ecological and legal factors. Political factors are the actions of government that can influence the behavior and decisions of firms. These factors can have a direct impact on the way businesses operate. In the United States business firms face more regulations then other nations (Viking, 2009). According to (Viking, 2009), employee rights in the United States have a large effect on business, and with the apparel industry requiring much labor and work employee laws are significant. Employee laws are minimum wage, over time, benefits and health and safety regulations. This means Ralph Lauren has to pay employees at least minimum wage and for overtime worked. The company has to offer benefits to full time employees and follow OSHA regulations when it comes to safety. Also the company has to adhere to trade regulations when importing and exporting goods overseas. Economic factors impact the economy. Some ways Ralph Lauren can be impacted economically are through growth rates, interest rates, and levels of employment, price stability and currency exchange rates. (Viking, 2009) states that for the apparel industry in the United States, such as Ralph Lauren, the future does not look promising. Wage and salary employment in the apparel industry is expected to decline which leads to lost jobs over the period. The Decline in employment can be attributed to increase in imports, new automation machinery, and cost-cutting pressure from increase global competition (Viking, 2009). Along with this the economy is in a recession, which means high unemployment, hi gher taxes on every one and low incomes (Viking, 2009). With this most families cannot afford the prices that Ralph Lauren has to offer. Sociocultural factors are society’s norms, cultures and values. This may impact Ralph Lauren because the company has to learn the demographics of different areas. The demographics show the different characteristics and attributes of people so companies such as ours can understand the buying power of the people. When the company learns this information they can determine whether or not products will appeal to customers and how many potential customers for these products might arise. Also with the growing trends of people and different styles Ralph Lauren has to make various pieces to fit all their needs. Technological factors capture the application of knowledge to create new processes and products. With new technology the apparel industry’s productivity has been given a boost. There has been an increase in automated machinery that has improved production and manufacturing facilities such as Ralph Lauren Corporation (Viking, 2009). Now they have new faster computerized sewing machines in order to make production go faster. Also new computer software has been a big plus for Ralph Lauren because now that can create and design new garments with no problem (Viking, 2009). Along with this technology allows them to be able to market their clothes online through their website which This way people can get what they want through technology. Ecological factors concern broad environmental issues such as the natural environment, global warming and sustainable economic growth. Ralph Lauren can be impacted by these factors because the company manufactures cotton clothing. With cotton it comes from various vendors, but in order for it to grow it has to have a good environment to grow in. If farmers don’t get good weather then crops may be lost and there will be no clothes for Ralph Lauren. Lastly, Legal factors capture the outcomes of the political processes and court decisions. Because Ralph Lauren is a highly noted fashion designer he is hit with lawsuits and legal issues all the time. They had to sue US Polo Association for infringement on their brand (Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation, 2010). Another popular brand, Levi Strauss sued Ralph Lauren because they had similar stitching in their jeans. Also Ralph Lauren along with twenty one other major companies was sued over having sweatshops and knowing of their wrongdoings (Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation, 2010). With the five forces model we can learn about the nature of completion for our company. To begin Ralph Lauren is faced with the threat of new entrants into the industry. With the rise of different trends there will always be a threat of new entrants into fashion retail. This task will be difficult and expensive because of the degree of Ralph Lauren. The company has overpowered the fashion industry by selling popular designs and creating the best styles (Johnston, Watkins, & Wright, 2005 p. 12-13). The threat of substitute products plays a big role in Ralph Lauren’s marketing strategy. Some of the company’s competitors try to market and sell new and different styles in order to increase demand, while other companies try to copy the designs of Ralph Lauren (Johnston, Watkins, & Wright, 2005 p. 12-13). So the company remains a well-known fashion designer of quality clothes and expands into other markets in order to compete. Ralph Lauren is a brand name that appeals to consumers and is very profitable. Then the bargaining power of buyers also tells the nature of competition for Ralph Lauren. The customers of the company know that when buying the company products they are buying quality. Although these brands are quite expensive, they are sold at a cheaper price at retail outlets. This bargaining power is good for consumers who have a smaller spending power than others. The bargaining power of suppliers is a bit vast for Ralph Lauren (Johnston, Watkins, & Wright, 2005 p. 12-13). Reason being they require a lot of supplies for operating the business, and get lots of bids from sellers of fabric and packaging. Also providers of cotton and other fabrics lead to a result of competition with suppliers and the company chooses the vendors with the best reasonable price (Johnston, Watkins, & Wright, 2005 p. 12-13). Lastly in the five forces model rivalry among existing firms shows the nature of competition in Ralph Lauren. According to (Johnston, Watkins, & Wright, 2005 p. 12-13) the company has several competitors, but has managed to keep a large portion of the market by introducing new designs and going into new markets. Ralph Lauren is growing and gaining more overseas retail stores. And with new technology and online retail sales, the company has gained more sales opportunities and increased development of online marketing (Johnston, Watkins, & Wright, 2005 p. 12-13). Competing with a company such as Ralph Lauren can be a difficult task. Companies in the fashion industry have noticed that this competition is hard to do. In the apparel industry along with Ralph Lauren there are other strategic groups that exist. These groups are Liz Claiborne, Jones Apparel Group, and Tommy Hilfiger. The Liz Claiborne Company is the leading competitor of Ralph Lauren. They manufacture name brands such as Juicy Couture, Lucky Brand Jeans, and Kate Spade. They have expensive brands like Ralph Lauren. Liz Claiborne is so close in competition to our company that they had revenues of $3.984 which is $1 billion less then Ralph Lauren (â€Å"Ralph Lauren’s Rivalry,†2010). Jones Apparel owns brands such as Nine West and Easy Spirit. Their revenue was $3.6 billion which is $3 billion less than Ralph Lauren (â€Å"Ralph Lauren’s Rivalry,†2010). Tommy Hilfiger has been Ralph Lauren’s biggest competition for twenty years. Sales began to decline because the brand wasn’t becoming as popular as the leading competitor. They had revenue sales of $3.4 billion which is $5 billion less than Ralph Lauren (â€Å"Ralph Lauren’s Rivalry,†2010). Most of these products now are in retail stores and in private boutiques. According to (â€Å"Ralph Lauren’s Rivalry,†2010), Tommy Hilfiger wants to try and compete with other high end fashion designers by moving away from the mainstream.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
“Yamaha Fiore†2NE1 †Celebrity Endorsement
Celebrity endorsement is commonly used to market products, it is a strategy which gives a â€Å"face†to a brand, to which the consumers can relate and aspire to. Yamaha has decided to promote its Fiore scooter Thailand with widely popular Korean pop group 2NE1. Their strategy was to reach out to urban Thai’s who follow foreign trends, music and fashion. While many urban Thai’s certainly are fans of the Korean fashion and pop music it remains unclear as to what effect the campaign has had on the purchase decision making and increased market share if any; however the effort did position Yamaha’s scooters as a trendy and youthful. Across European cities scooters are a very popular and low cost means of transportation. In Thailand, and a number of other emerging markets most consumers will aspire to owning their first car and will go to great lands to acquire one such as extending significant loans, whereas motorcycles/scooter are generally used and perceived as necessity for low income market segment. Furthermore, in Bangkok it is apparent that there are very few scooters being driven by the middle to upper market segment consumers, some of the reasons being as mentioned earlier and due to the traffic congestion and pollution which is considered to be dangerous to drive a scooter in. Yamaha is one of Thailand’s largest motorcycle manufacturers with a market share of 26% – expecting to reach 30% in 2011 (Bangkok Post, May 5, 2008) and Honda leading with an impressive 68% (Bangkok Post, May 5, 2008) market share. A large portion of this is assigned to rural areas where people use scooter as common means for transportation whereas in urban areas people will rely on public transportation, own a car or other. The key challenge would remain in changing people’s (middle, upper segment) perception of using scooters as a way to commute, run errands or go to a nearby store rather than solely relying on using car most of the time. This may be achieved by endorsing a local celebrity which would be ideally living in a modern condominium or a housing village also known locally as moo-ban. This would be a more â€Å"practical†approach to promoting a lifestyle people could more easily relate to rather than pop stars. The end result being many of the middle to upper income market segment might acquire a scooter in addition to owning a car to drive around their housing village or condominium and go to a nearby store or a restaurant. In the sportswear industry celebrity endorsement is used probably more often than in others. It is a great way to establish the brand as it is used by professional athletes and draw the consumer’s attention. Nowadays a great deal of sportswear is also worn as casual wear and not only on tennis courts, golf terrains or running track which has significantly widened and expanded the market. A very successful, charismatic athlete can portray a brand with many positive attributes. However, while there are many encouraging factors in using celebrity endorsements across many industries the marketing and advertising campaign could eventually result in negative or less attractive brand perception. Examples include when athletes are found to be using drugs, misbehaving in public or in competition. As mentioned earlier these individuals provide a â€Å"face†to the brand and in this light the public will think of a given brand. Tiger Woods has been one of Nike’s endorsed celebrity which has virtually established the brand in the golf industry. It is one of the prime examples of a success when a brand is tied in with a successful and charismatic athlete who also has the â€Å"star†power. It is also a very direct and relevant persona in the golfing industry which has attracted many first time golfers to purchase Nike equipment and other sportswear. The previously examined case of 2NE1 pop music group would be more fitting and is more commonly used if the endorsement was used to promote fashion, perfume, makeup and other similar products as they are more fitting with feminine attributes of beauty and attractiveness. In this respect Nike has established a firm brand perception with a person who is very relevant in the industry whereas a few years from now most likely very few people will remember the 2NE1 and Yamaha joint campaign. However it is important to note that there are also certain risks when a brand strongly relies on single celebrity as is in the case of Nike/Tiger Woods who has been through a personal scandal which has dramatically affected the golfers perception in public view and who has suffered a loss of a number of endorsements by energy drink makers and telecommunications company, Gatorade and AT&T. And we are yet to see if the company will continue to carry the golfers name in the nearby future.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Reflection on Hamlet Essays
Reflection on Hamlet Essays Reflection on Hamlet Essay Reflection on Hamlet Essay Essay Topic: Hamlet In regards to the Shakespearean play Hamlet, over the years as interpretations of a variety of elements have changed the structures, features and the timeless issues have remained similar in content. These timeless issues are untouched by context as the human condition and the quest for satisfaction has remained unfaltering. In relation to context there are two major differing contexts in which the play can be viewed. These are the Elizabethan viewpoint and that of todays society. To the Elizabethan audience the play of Hamlet was a text of moral instruction whilst the context of todays society is that Hamlet is the study of the individual. This essay will outline what has been learnt throughout the course of Hamlet with references to the two main differing contexts. The Elizabethan context conveys a theme of Christian Redemptive message where Gods plan always prevails no matter what obstacles were presented. Therefore sin was punished and virtue rewarded. My understanding of this is in Hamlet it is that of rationalizing of behavior before impulsive action that affirms the values of the era. This is apparent through a variety of quotes such as to be or not to be, Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth to dust. This shows Hamlets journey through the Christian message. Although the character of Hamlet procrastinates it is justified by his duty to God and religion. Through the quotes of or that the everlasting shows his devotion to God and fails to commit suicide. Another example is whilst Claudius is praying; although he fails to repent Hamlet is unable to murder him (whilst seeking vengeance) because Claudius appears to be repenting his sins. Hamlet is the study of the individual and how they attempt to balance internal desires and external pressures. Regardless of time/place the individual will always struggle with the balance of internal vs. external pressures. This is also apparent in Hamlet as the character Hamlet is unable to commit suicide as he has a duty to God. gainst self-slaughter. And thus he fails to suppress his internal desires too end it right now. Through humanity it is clear that there are many issues the individual face, these include suicide, duty, death and individuality/reality. These pressures provide the characters with a mean to express their viewpoints. In regards to the play, the characters of Polonius has suppressed his internal desires and replaced it with that of external pressures. He tells everybody what they want to hear as thus enables his own desires to be satisfied in an obscure manner. The quote very much like a whale, shows this and enables the audience to see the contrast in his character. The play has remained relevant over the years as the elements of human nature have remained constant. These elements include, quest for individuality, quest to understand death, quest for balance in life, pressures exerted on us both by internal and external forces. As human beings develop there is always a pursuit for satisfaction in life, the belief that there is something more to life than our selves. This is also apparent in the play Hamlet. When an audience member dwells upon the ideas that are present within the play, such as suicide, duty, illusion, death/heaven/hell, love, faith/religion it is clear that your personal understanding will make you question and re-think you ideas about them. To conclude it is clear that throughout time the themes, structure and relevance of the play has remained constant. The ever-changing values of the audience have changed, shifting the ideas that they bring forth thus creating new meanings. Although the play Hamlet can be seen in a variety of manners it is apparent that through the exploration of the characters/themes many new understandings of things in your own day to day life such as death/duty/reality enable us to perceive them in a more in-depth manner.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Saying So-so; Mediocre in Mandarin Chinese
Saying So-so; Mediocre in Mandarin Chinese The rules of etiquette in Chinese culture state that compliments must be rejected. Therefore, if someone tells you that you speak Mandarin well, a good way of responding would be, â€Å"Not at all, my Mandarin is very poor.†One way of saying this is with the Mandarin Chinese phrase mÇŽmÇŽhÃ… «hÃ… «. This could be prefaced with nÇŽli nÇŽli, which means â€Å"where?†- as in, â€Å"Where is my good Mandarin? I don’t see it.†MÇŽmÇŽhÃ… «hÃ… « is made up of four Chinese characters: é © ¬Ã© © ¬Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â„¢Å½/é ¦ ¬Ã© ¦ ¬Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â„¢Å½ (the second is traditional Chinese). The first two characters mean â€Å"horse†and the second two characters mean â€Å"tiger.†This makes the phrase very easy to remember, but why does â€Å"horse horse tiger tiger†mean â€Å"mediocre?†It’s neither one nor the other- it’s so-so, mediocre. Example of Mama Huhu Click on the links to hear the audio. NÇ de guà ³ydžshuÃ… de hÄ›n hÇŽo.ä ½ çš„åÅ"‹è ªÅ¾Ã¨ ª ªÃ¥ ¾â€"Ã¥ ¾Ë†Ã¥ ¥ ½Ã¤ ½ çš„å› ½Ã¨ ¯ è ¯ ´Ã¥ ¾â€"Ã¥ ¾Ë†Ã¥ ¥ ½Your Mandarin is very good.NÇŽli nÇŽli - mÇŽmÇŽ hÇâ€hÇâ€.å“ ªÃ¨ £ ¡Ã¥â€œ ªÃ¨ £ ¡ é ¦ ¬Ã© ¦ ¬Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¥â€œ ªÃ©â€¡Å'å“ ªÃ©â€¡Å' é © ¬Ã© © ¬Ã¨â„¢Å½Ã¨â„¢Å½Not at all- it’s very bad. It should be noted that this phrase is very common in many beginner textbooks, but that few native speakers actually use it and it might come across as a bit strange or out-dated. Its a little bit similar to textbooks in English as a second language having its raining cats and dogs because its a cute expression that students like, but very few people actually say that. Its fine to use, of course, but dont be surprised if you dont hear other people saying it all the time.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
International Business Strategy assignment Term Paper
International Business Strategy assignment - Term Paper Example As a result, the Turkish market realized a 35% decline in domestic demand for household appliances. At this juncture, the company is forced to revise its strategic potentiality in promoting its key goal of international expansion. This case study will explore Arcelik’s principal motives for international expansion. It will also evaluate different tactics that would assist the firm to achieve this aim. Principal motives for international expansion The major international growth motive that drives Arcelik is its intention to achieve economies of large scale operation. While sales increase, there would be a proportional increase in profitability also. In order to increase total sales volume, it is necessary for the firm to deal with large scale production processes that would in turn assist the firm to cut down various expenditures. When the company involves in large volume production, it is forced to purchase raw materials in bulk quantities which would aid the firm to earn the benefits of more cash and trade discounts. This strategy would also enable the company to take advantages of transportation costs and warehouse charges. Efficient use of capital equipment and employment of specialized labor are other objectives that lead Arcelik Home Appliances to set international expansion as the key aim. ... It is obvious that international expansion directly contributes to international identity or brand reputation in the global market. When the firm earns a good market stature, it assists them to raise cheaper credits at the time of contingencies. Since large business houses leveraged with stable and potential financial sources and other special reserves, creditors generally believe that these business entities have the potential to repay the money even in the times of difficulties. Therefore, banks and other financial institutions are willing to provide them credit facilities at cheaper rates without having much legal procedure. However, the international expansion and thereby low cost of credit would benefit Arcelik to reduce cost of production. Presently, Arcelik is highly dependant on the volatile local market; it will certainly impede the further economic growth of the organization. Hence, access to international market is Arcelik’s primary motive for international expansio n. Since Arcelik deals with household appliances, it would get prospective markets anywhere across the globe. Anyhow, America and Europe will be the most prospective markets for Arcelik as they are considered as the focal points of world’s trading. Ghemawat (2008) reflects that Turkish government eliminated tariffs on imports of household appliances from the European Community in 1996. This liberalization policy intensified imports from Europe and it severely affected Arcelik’s domestic market demand. It also drives them to enter international market. In 1970s and 1980s, the firm acquired technologies from General Electric and Bosch-Siemens; but these companies imposed many restrictions on Arcelik. By the end of 1990s, Arcelik developed its own appliance designs and hence it wished to
Friday, November 1, 2019
Death of a Salesman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Death of a Salesman - Essay Example According to the study Charley who is Willy’s neighbor has been kind and generous enough to lend some money to him every other month so that the latter’s expenditures could be somehow or the other curtailed but Willy in all seriousness is too proud to agree to all this -- a job from him. This paper highlights that time is one such issue, which has been particularly taken care of here, and an effort is made to focus on the very problems that led to his untimely death at the hands of a suicide. Taking into perspective, his fight with loneliness, time and old age, he said, "After all the highways, and the trains, and the years, you end up worth more dead than alive. Also, the manner in which his son Biff has been talking to him of late concerning Willy’s brother’s death a while back, has made matters all the worse for Willy whereby by his standards, he has started to think that no one takes him seriously and everyone’s avoiding him due to one reason or the other. This forces him to give up his life and he seriously starts to think about it. In the end, he does so what he had planned and he gives up his life by hitting his car with a tree at full speed. He gives his life because his age cannot cope up with the changing tides of the time and hence he decides that he has got no role in this world, therefore, death is the only way out (of misery and loneliness).Â
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